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The person will render assistance me, need not worry.Conceal a line of vestige I also very specialty."In fact he still has two cards in the hands, is the robber of outskirts forest and be jailed of flow a people.However reaching to sink war ally is too mean, he still wants to hesitate for a while again say.
"H'm."Thin Li west second 3 people echo, thriving instruct, " Lucy is careful of!"
"Stop worrying, have no me to make an erratic matter."
Take leave three senior elder sisters, the cold gorgeous female dancer steps Lin however doesn't lose an elegant step son the alignment assassinate a target live of luxurious residence.
The very naughty sunlight kisses silver bright long Jie and force to sink Be immersed to a person who have peace of mind the feeling to open a pair of eyes, return to reality.
"Wu ……" protest ground Gu Nong turns over a body to continue to sleep.
"The sun insolates**Luo, Pa Er."
Lucidity of the voice line pound an ear drum, but didn't bring the slightest upset, but the old disease arouses of the headache still let he the subconscious ground wave hand:"Don't be noisy!"
The Xiao boon interestingly smiled:This kid there is unexpectedly also low blood pressures.
"Is lovely, keep early hour is a good kid."Start to hand him, the towel using to bedew light and softly wipes a face.Pa west Si 1 arouse to work properly to wake up and cover with the bluish green Mou half Mi half Zheng ground Chou of thick heavy mist Ai he, see along while just see is who:"Xiao Mr. En?"
"Guest fruit~~"
The silver hair east raises west Shu, the clothes is in great disorder, childish manner crumple the shape of eye to completely can not tell precocious in normal times, but lovely must be like a boy of commonness.Xiao boon heart next delighted, cannot help but clapping his cerebellum bag:"It is good in the morning."
"……Is good in the morning."Pa west Si this just truely awake, the face is tiny to rise red.The Xiao boon passes a bowl of clear water to him:"First the Shu gargles, then we have a meal together."
"That, you said yesterday of, is true?"Way of thinking a clear, the memory flows out into the brain of normal operation and can't waits for having a meal, a Shu over, Pa west Si favour not Die ground inquire.
"Certainly, I want to take you to walk."The Xiao boon is much more poised, sit with the legs crossed, with relish drinks potato mince soup, " I don't intend to pay your owner's money, because his affirmation not is get you through a regular path."Not habit form of address in"host", he automatically changes can accept of call a method.
"You guessed a rightness."Pa west the Si lightly sigh, canthus' catching sight of the refugees is eating, see to him really get up night, hence also picked up a rye bread to bite, " however he isn't a simple person, one of the actual southern alliance rulers, company's association long add in hero Luo virtuous."He still doesn't know that the Xiao boon has already escaped a saint area and thinks that he has the influence on the side of eastern school building and says rigorously on the mouth, but the in the mind is very easy.
"Trust, he good elephant what person have quarrel, outside beat noisy billowingly last night.Concrete circumstance I not clear, but definitely had an accident, otherwise can't one the nobody come over to ask 1 in the evening."
Pa west the Si also feel strange, in a hurry had a meal and sent a few guards to go out to find out.The Xiao boon is used[mind communication]and the pupils contact, make sure if they are well.Burst to just come back very late yesterday, he has a little discomfort, even if he takes Anne Di's letter.
The communication has no echo.Thin Li western second etc. the person didn't sleep for a night and lay on a bed at the moment, one compared one to sleep dead.
At that moment and urgently must turn round and round, very anxious to put wings to fly to return to.The worry anxiously that sees him, Pa west Si light tunnel:"You leave."
"Walk together, Pa Er!"Is urgently overdo to on the contrary calm down, the Xiao boon thinks of oneself hanged to protect a sign on the door of room and had never felt the outsider invade,beats by dre uk, probably just that depends on a bed for little devil.
"I still occupy and do."The Pa west Si eye bottom flash across cold fierce light Hu, he is to decide to follow this person, so just want to put on the record here to thoroughly eliminate, in case in the future go wrong, " can you exert invisible Shu to me?"Those represent him unbearable document, he doesn't want to show Xiao boon.
"Invisible Shu?Can, do you want to do what?"
Pa west Si haven't answered, a guard runs near, whispered severals in his ear.
"Check Er Si to die!?"Pa west the Si is surprised to raise voice.The Xiao boon curiously asks a way:"Who is checking the Er Si ?"
"My host's one of the sworn enemies-is the news definite?"
"Is definite, virtuous Mr. Mo and adult still beat."
Beat?Is virtuous could it be that sink so the person that doesn't live spirit.Pa west Si some begin to suspect, until other a few guards make collective report of is also a same contents, and explain hero Luo with virtuous Mo is the armistice status that is placed in mutual surveillance currently, just believe.
This is the opportunity of an once in a lifetime.
"Xiao Mr. En, bother you a matter.The "urgent have drafted a plan, pull the Xiao boon to the part, Pa west Si small track, " underground arena still has a lot of slaves, in a short while I tell you road and secret password, you relieve them."The big part is the hero's Luo's person there, once break out of, affirmation will suspect virtuous Mo Tou, again Ran battle fire.The real strenght of these 2 people is equal, the nobody wins is the only final outcome.Unless the virtuous Mo merger checks person's horse of Er Si, but so short time, impossible.
"Good!Wrap on me!"The Xiao boon is duty-bound.Pa west Si but not optimistic, he small age, the consider has been very careful and attentive:"They may not believe you, because the host usually made people pretend to give relief to them before and obliterated their survival instincts for benefit betraying or revealing true facts, again."The Xiao boon listens to the surprised Nu hand over to gather:"Is too mean!"
This degree calculates what.Pa west Si in mind Pie mouth, set up for to agree with on the face:"So you have to be careful and by force intimidate when it's necessary."He isn't worried that the Xiao boon will have an accident, the gold bell will make the subconscious ground of the slaves obedient to and need to be taken precautions against of only watch there.
"But ……" Xiao boon is very difficult, "in case that they are also me as spy, I is not afraid get hurt, afraid harmed them."The Pa west Si look in the eyes becomes soft, helpless a sigh:"That you take a witness to go."The language finishes and pull him to head for the prostitutes live of Peng house.
"Ma lotus."Squat down in a women's in front under, Pa west Si Chien slightly describe process.The Ma lotus sees with half an eye his meaning, firm Han head:"Like, I accompany Xiao Mr. En."They did it ever not is hope to hope on this day hope to see fervently?
"The others also go-believe him, my guaranteeing him is our person."
Although is hostile to a man, owing to Pa west the trust of the Si, Lucy Anne wait a person or ordered to nod.Pa west the Si change direction Xiao boon and consider to use Ci:"That …they are usually called, you need not specially explanation, however on getting to there, you watch to all put to pour."Do not since and never once listen to Lyuan a kid, afraid of this guy connect prostitute is what also ignore a solution.Indeed as expected the Xiao boon is an in perplexity first to wink, immediately the confidence hundred percently claps chest:"Trust, hand over to me!Watch to come 100 I don't put as well in the eye!"Pa west the Si can not control feelings a ground of Yang lips.
"Still have, Pa Er, whether notify Wei Di is one better?"The Ma lotus asks a way.
"Your son?H'm …match with our should outside match in activity, the cure of success is also bigger."Pa west the Si ponder a short moment and make decision, " good, wait an arena to there fix, you give the Xiao a token of promise of Mr. En, let him take forest, meet with that robber headman."
", You are to say that China Er is especially."The Xiao boon is suddenly realize.The Ma lotus noodles exposes a surprise:"Have you ever seen Wei Di?How is he?"The Xiao boon returns to frankly smile dimple:"Very good hey, does the spirit wear, he is a good kid who keeps a promise."Remaining had peace of mind, the Ma lotus also rose a not small good will to the at present man.
Hum, Be just a boy of simple-minded.Pa west the Si a little bit eat flavor, with boring look the station rises:"Leave."
"Help them first lane set clothes?"The Xiao boon points a Ma lotus, the handsome face is suffused with red.He is stupid to return ignorance, finally is a normal man.The milli- without blemish reads, sees a flock of naked female at present and always has few reaction on the physiology while curing illness.Though he is oneself's heart palpitates to jump, body's hasing fever is the relation of the weather.The instinct of warrior also soon press down to hinder rational sexual desire, the adjustment arrives to have no wave have no Related articles:

